Robotics classes offer new technology courses
Jason Allison works on his robot while Mrs. Mock looks on. All the building for competition has to be done by the students with adult supervision.
December 10, 2018
Mrs. Audra Mock has taken on the responsibility of teaching the robotics class for middle school this year. She took on this responsibility because the administration believed that she would be the best one to get Junior High students excited to be in a robotics class.
“I have 12 students (a mix of both 7th and 8th) and i love teaching them…I’ve already had about three other students ask me about the class.” said Mrs. Mock
There are many ways that our Robotics program differs from others. For example our program has to wait for some parts to come in due to some international problems. Other schools also often have people or companies sponsoring them which allows them to get more parts, while we are only working on a grant. They also have more time to work with their students but since our robotics program only has Junior High they can’t practice before or after school.
“I like the fact that it is hands on. The students have to figure out how to solve problems themselves and they have work on communication skills so that they can end up with a functional robot. I think they will do well. I think it can grow as long as the students will do the work,” said Mrs. Mock
There are a few high school students that Mrs. Mock works with after school. Everything that the high school students work on when they are practicing are for their competitions so, they are working as hard as they can when they have practice. They will be competing in one competition in the spring in which they have to had built and programed a robot along with an engineering journal.
Mrs. Mock said, “I think they will do well. I think it can grow as long as the students will do the work.”
Even though the middle school will not be competing in any sort of competition they are working hard preparing themselves for taking robotics in high school. They will be the new era of Robo Nation, pushing themselves to be the best they can and providing many awards for the R-L High School.

Students build a robot for competition.

Students work on their competition robot.

Students work on their engineering notebooks, which is a necessary key to competition robotics.

Students adjust pieces of the robot during class.