Band recieves top Honors
October 25, 2018
The Roaring Cougar band of Rosebud-Lott High School received top honors last week at the regional marching contest at LaVega High School. This makes the 17th straight year of the band receiving top honors in regional competition. The band now moves on to the area competition this weekend in Whitney. The band has previously competed in the Troy Marching Competition and at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Marching Competition, earning top awards each time. The competition this weekend in Whitney is in a finals format. Bands will march their show and the top 10 that are chosen will march again in the evening hours to finalize the top places. The top performing bands will advance to the state competition on November 5-6, in San Antonio.

The Cougar Band poses with the trophy from KCEN Battle of the Bands after winning against Chilton early in the season.

The trumpet section marches during a football game. Halftime is extra practice for competition.

The flute section keeps up with the music.

Abigail Mondragon marches during a Friday night game.

Tuba players Samuel Taggart and Travis Drake keep the band on beat.

Percusionists Aaliyah Walker, Anthony Ocanas and Sydney Parcus play in the pit during the show.

Snare drummer Hunter Sullivan keeps the beat during the performance.

Logan Portillo and Emmah Mortimer perform during halftime of a football game.

Directors David Veteto and Camber Comeaux watch the performance during a Friday night halftime.