Senior Spotlight – Megan Wallace

October 21, 2021
Megan Wallace is being focused on the Senior Spotlight this week. What Megan enjoyed most about high school was marching at the football games and attending the marching competitions. Some activities Megan was involved in include Band, National Honors Society, Academic UIL, and FFA. Megan’s interests outside of school are drawing, reading, writing, and horseback riding. In addition, during the summer Megan works at the “Morning Star Ranch” camp and has been for five years.
“When it seems like everything is going downhill, always keep your head up and look on the bright side of things and never let anything bring you down.”, Megan stated once asked to advise the underclassmen.
After high school, Megan plans to attend McLennan Community College to achieve her basics and later transfer to Texas Woman’s University to become a Music Therapist.