Lady Cougars end season with a loss in bi-district play
Clara Coker goes up for a basket.
February 18, 2019
RL Lady Cougars loss a close match to Mart last Monday in bi-district playoff action.
The Lady Cougars were on the board first with a shot from Clara Coker. Mart Lady Panthers were slow to start, only getting on the board after the Lady Cougars had scored six points. The first period ended with RL in the lead 10-6. The Lady Cougars showed defensive dominance over the Lady Panthers throughout the first half. But, the Lady Panthers came alive in the second period, fighting back to tie the game with 3:00 left to play before the half. RL continued their defensive dominance, but the Lady Panthers were able to find the cracks and take the lead at halftime 18-22.
The second half, the Lady Cougars came out strong, although offensively they struggled with scoring. Mart became stronger offensively, matching the Lady Cougars with baskets and bringing the game closer together by the end of third period, 25-26 with the Lady Panthers still in the lead. The fourth period began with the same issues, compounded by missed fouls by the referrees of the game. Mart was able to take total control away from the Lady Cougars and will end the game with a 42-37 loss.
Leading scorers of the game were Clara Coker, Hannah Willberg and Rakasia Buhl. The Lady Cougars end their season with 21-10 overall record.

Hannah Willberg looks for an open man.

Rakasia Buhl breaks away after a steal.

Erakah Easley defends the goal.

Jenna Kleypas takes the ball to the goal during a breakaway.

Erakah Easley goes up for a basket against a Mart defender.