Varsity Cougars take the win over Moody
January 27, 2019
Varsity Cougars took the easy win ver the Moody Bearcats this past Friday, Jan. 18th, in Travis.
Cougas took the lead early in the game and never looked back. RL outscored and out rebounded the Bearcats. Free throws and baskets from Steven Buhl and Brady Hering set the Cougars on fire and etended the lead in the first half to 23-11 by half. A more aggressive, defensive team came out the second half of the game led by well placed shots from Jordan Landrum and Nick Bravo to extend the Cougars’ lead. By the end of the third period, the Cougars ad a commanding lead of 41-17.
Leading scorers for the game were John Paul Reyna with 10 points, Buhl and Hering both with 9 points each.